Supply Chain Consultancy

Systems and Process Audits

Our site teams will audit in partnership with client colleagues to determine “on the ground” function of requested systems and process vs provided mapping and report on operational implementation with recommendations for improvement where identified


Systems and Process Mapping

Review of a client operation and end to end, or segments of, process map production to reflect the operational environment in a given contract. Also theory driven mapping of a new or pre-launch contract in order to provide base data for colleague briefing and training


GNFR Lifecycle Modelling

Retail project and programme design and mapping with clients in order to realise the best process from an end to end strategic perspective. Modelling reporting to include individual area effects and implementation plans to enable designs to be achieved for best return to the client


Equipment Design

Working with manufacturing partners, either client instructed or identified directly, to ensure that end user implementation requirements are considered and accounted for from the beginning of, and throughout, an equipment brief in order to ensure a purely cosmetic design does not incur major implementation cost impact further in the supply chain


Process Training and Delivery

Where processes and procedures have been designed, or where recommendations for change have been put forward, our teams can enable delivery of updated processes and workflow training in to client colleagues if required




Vanguard Retail