Delivery Services Management


Nationally Positioned Network

Partnered 3rd party fleet in place with strategically located depots on major road network hubs. The flexibility of fleet and the targeted depot locations ensure that no standing costs are carried by our clients while enabling to react swiftly and efficiently to any transport requirements across the UK


Multi Delivery Formats

Utilising haulage network partners with different specialisations ensures that we are able to provide the right solution to each request from our clients. Whether a networked delivery, a small courier vehicle or a bulk haul Artic collection we are able to provide the best fit solution to our client delivery requests


Specialised Out of Hours Services

Working in the retail GNFR sector for over a quarter of a century we understand the key requirements of installation at point of implementation. Our networked partners are experienced in the unique environments created through support of retail GNFR where large tracts of works are completed once stores and the high street are closed. We pride our fleet solutions in delivering the best and most cost competitive solutions in these Out of Hours environments in the sector


Live Benchmarking Model

Running a multi partner fleet with agreed rate card measures in place enables a continual benchmarking routine to be run and addressed in order to work with our chosen fleet partners to ensure all parties work towards competitive cost design and evolution throughout the year


Site Support and Returns Functions

Specialised retail site processes to support implementation phases. Vehicle solutions in place for fitting teams to work from mobile hubs, geographical routing support in liaison with rolling site profiling. In support of site works returns can be collated and backhauled in to centralised warehousing whereby increased cost savings from reuse can be realised

Vanguard Retail