

Relieving the implementation burden on site by buffering the receipt inbound of all project stocks from multiple inbound routes in to a warehouse environment. Management of equipment in to required implementation formats by scheme and by phase and planned despatch to end locations to reduce on site bottlenecks or wastage caused by multiple inbound deliveries

Pick and Pack Fulfilment

Breakdown and repackaging of bulk receipted goods in to specific store or site requirements. Bulk management of inbound and individual item picking and packing from bulk locations in to specific packages for onward delivery. Products can be relabelled and repackaged in line with end site requirements. Items segregation for stores and installation teams can be achieved for clear equipment management on site

Equipment Recycling

The effective reuse and management of equipment from sites is a major route to cost savings for all retail chains. Whether through store relocations, interventions, extensions or other reasons equipment can be collected and assessed centrally to client standards and then booked and made available for future call off at reduced implementation rates. Having this service centralised and in end client control is key to maximising savings in this arena

QC Services

Inbound checking of goods from manufacturing and factory partners to end client standards ensures that goods being delivered for implementation mirror the expected standards on site. Having end client control of goods ensures a clear and controlled method of management in advance of final site implementation


Fully racked and bar coded warehouse storage facilities. Accommodation for both over sized and over height pallets. Solutions to cover volumes from 1 pallet to upwards of 10,000+ pallets with flexible rate structures driven in line with volumes / length of storage / surrounding works

Vanguard Retail